Exercise 1: Profile your processes!


17/2: Changed descriptions of GETPROF, return values of the system calls, and of the user program. Updated hint for copying the results, in 'hints and notes'. Please reread this page carefully, it contains significant changes.

11/2, added sections 2.5 and 2.6 to "recommended reading".


Profiling is a very useful tool for code development, as it consists the application's X-ray map in terms of its execution time. More precisely, profiling is a statistical tool that provides detailed information on the time spent by the CPU on each line of a program during its execution. This generally gives the programmer a better understanding of the program's runtime behaviour, as well as valuable help for making performance improvements. It occasionally also provides good hints for discovering bugs.

To profile a process, the operating system allocates a large number of counters, called bins, each corresponding to a small range of bytes in the program's code. The more the counters, the finer the profiling granularity. By means of an interrupt, the operating system periodically checks (many times per second) which instruction the process is executing, and increases the respective bin by one. Eventually, the bins' values give a good statistical approximation of the percentage of time the CPU spent within each little slice of the program code.

The low-level nature of profiling, prevents it from being implemented as a user-level tool. It has to be taken care of by the operating system's kernel. Unfortunately the Minix 2.0.0 kernel does not support it. Your task is to add support for profiling to the Minix kernel, and write a user program that retrieves and presents profiling data in a useful way.

Part I: Add profiling support to the Minix kernel

You have to modify the kernel to support profiling. You should define two new system calls: The files profstub.h and profstub.c are provided. These files define the data and message formats to which your application should adhere. It is obligatory to use this header file and the stub routines, as defined here, to access the system calls.

Part II: Retrieve and present profiling data

This part of the assignment is meant to help you experiment with the usage of the first part. Write a utility that profiles the execution of a given program, and outputs some data and a simple histogram (in ASCII) of the program's execution time.

The utility (called profile) should have the following syntax:

        profile [-n number_of_rows] [-r startaddr-endaddr] program-name [program_arguments ...]

Profile has one mandatory argument, program-name, which is the name of the program to be profiled. Arguments following the program_name should be passed on as arguments to the profiled program. I.e., in the following, "-laF" should be passed as an argument to /bin/ls :

        profile /bin/ls -laF

Optional is the argument -n, which specifies the number of bars (rows) in which the histogram is divided. For example, assuming all 1024 bins have been used in a profiling, the command:

        profile -n 25 ls /

will output a histogram of 25 lines, each aggregating the profiling data of 41 bins (because 1024/25 = 40.96), to provide a histogram of 25 lines (the 25th line, though, will be the sum of only the last 40 bins). In principle, divide the number of bins used (*) by the number of lines, and round up to get the number of bins that should be aggregated per line. The last line may display the sum of fewer bins than the rest of the lines. If the number of rows given by the -n argument is greater than the number of bins used, ignore it, and display as many rows as the number of bins used.

(*) calculate the number of bins used just like the PROFILE system call does, based on the starting and ending addresses, according to the methodology described in 'Hints and Notes'.

Optional is also the argument -r, which defines the range of addresses to be profiled. Addresses should be passed as decimal numbers, separated by "-" (minus sign), as in this example:

        profile -r 500-3700 ./myprog

If the r argument is used, startaddr should be lower than endaddr. Else return an error code.

It should be possible to use both the -n and -r arguments simultaneously.

When a program has less than 1024 bytes of code, or when a range is used that is less than 1024 bytes, a number of the bins allocated in the kernel are not used. Your profile program should output a histogram that represents only the bins really used. For instance, if the argument "-n 25" is given to profile a program where only 500 bins were used (i.e., the program code is 500 bytes long), each line of the histogram should correspond to 20 bins (=500/25) to span a range of 500 addresses, instead of 41 (=1024/25) like in the example above.

Error codes:

profile returns 0 upon successful completion, and a value >0 if an error has occurred. No debug output should be reported to stdout.


Output should be directed to the standard output (stdout) and should follow strictly the style shown in the sample output. The first line should contain the filename of the profiled executable. The second should show the scale of the histogram. The histogram should scale from 0% (no asterisks), to the percentage of the line with the highest value (62 asterisks). Therefore, the second line should write "SCALE :" at columns 11-17, "0%" at columns 19-20, dots in columns 21-77, and the percentage of the line with highest percentage (i.e. "46%") at columns 78-80. The percentage should be of length 2, left-padded with zeros (i.e. "07%").

Starting in the third line, it should output the histogram of the profiling data. Particularly, each line should start with the address range it represents (two 4-digit hex left-padded-with-zero numbers, separated by "-"), a space followed by the percentage (in parentheses) of CPU time spent in the bin(s) of that line. Then have space, colon(:), space again, and finally a number of asterisks (*) proportional to the bin's value. For the minimum value (0%) there should be no asterisk. For the maximum value, whatever that is, there should be 62 asterisks to reach the 80th column. Show no more lines than that correspond to the addresses that have actually been profiled.

If that's all Greek to you, look at the sample output that we provide, and follow it strictly.

HINTS: Here is a brief (=not exhaustive!) outline suggestion for your program: Your utility should fork. The child process should execute the given program. The parent should use your PROFILE system call to start profiling on the child's PID and then wait for the child to terminate. Then the parent should stop profiling (invoking PROFILE with pid 0), and call GETPROF to retrieve the array of bins. Finally it should output the histogram and statistics to the standard output.

Hints and Notes

To make the assignment instructions more concrete, we provide you with the following directions that should be followed:

Recommended reading

The following parts of the minix book are recommended for (re)reading for this exercise (this is not intended as an exhaustive list): Sections 2.2.7, 2.5, 2.6, 3.8, 4.7 up to 4.7.4. Furthermore, study relevant information in the Minix book about the clock, system calls, system task, and message handling. It is generally important to understand the Minix code on message passing (proc.c) and interrupts.


Here is a suggestion for testing your exercise. Write a program with expected behaviour (i.e. include at various places loops of 1, 2, and 3 million (or billion!) iterations, that just waste time). Profile it, and check whether the output shows a realistic execution time distribution for your program (i.e. number of asterisks analogous to the number of iterations of the sample loops).